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Getting Stuck

I understand it is only the 7th week of college but I can easily feel stuck. One way for me to get unstuck is to move my study location or work on a different assessment and go back to the old one. I think the podcast helped me understand that it’s ok to reflect on the past and where you came from. Also that I need to get into a flow or the zone of development so I can achieve things for tomorrow. I have a problem of trying to look too far into the future and I want the future to be now. I will get stuck and over think of reasons why the future is not now because I develop a problem of trying to over reach for things that are not in reach yet. One thing that helps me overcome all of this is to sit and think of all the positive things that happened that day, something positive that has happened in general. Having a negative mind set will never get you anywhere or help reach your dreams.

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